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The Wharf Nursery School


Our robust policies and procedures highlight the importance we place on keeping children safe.


Ofsted said:

'All adults follow the school's safeguarding procedures consistently. Leaders are alert to potential risks to children. Children are encouraged to tell an adult if they are worried. Governors give children's safety a high priority... parents feel their children are safe and happy.' March 2022


Safeguarding Procedures

If a member of staff has any concerns about a child, they will record this on a 'Cause for Concern' form, which will be handed to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (usually the Headteacher). There are four trained DSLs, who work together to ensure all children are kept safe.


Who are the DSLs and what is their role?

The DSLs are Zoë Bray, Penny Macland, Meg Tickner and Maria Luff. They meet weekly to discuss the forms and ensure procedures are robust. A parent, child or member of staff can share concerns about a child, with any one of them. 

Their role might involve: Liaising with social care or another agency; talking to parents about concerns raised; updating records (including putting information on the online system, CPOMS); meeting with the Safeguarding governor and reviewing practices and trends.


What training is given to staff?

Staff have regular safeguarding updates and training, and it is part of the new staff induction process. DSL’s attend training and a representative attends the termly DSL network meetings run by the Local Authority.

Recent training includes: Whole Staff Safeguarding Refresher, DSL refresher training, Paediatric First Aid training and GCP2 training.


We keep staff up to date during weekly staff meetings where safeguarding and children's well-being are discussed, and as concerns arise. Some matters are discussed with the whole team, but we are mindful not to overexpose children or families, and therefore may share on a need-to-know basis. 


How are referrals made?

Child Protection and Safeguarding referrals are usually made by the Lead DSL, but could be made by any member of staff. The DSL poster is highlighted to visitors alongside a strong message that we will always act if we are concerned about a child. We always take a child's communication seriously, including non-verbal messages.


Will parents be informed?

If a child makes a disclosure our practise is to inform parents and carers as long as this would not put a child at risk or we are advised not to by social care. Likewise, we will usually inform parents if we are going to make a referral to social care.


What if a child or an adult makes a disclosure about a member of staff?

If an allegation was made against a member of staff, then DSLs would seek advice from the LADO and the Surrey Safeguarding Team on the action to take. Parents would be informed and the staff member might be suspended until an investigation is completed. Where criminal activity may have taken place, the police will be contacted. All staff are made aware of the Whistleblowing policy, which can be found on our website under Key Documents-Policies.


How does school make sure that staff and visitors are safe to work with children?

We carry out criminal background checks on all staff and volunteers. This information is managed and kept by our bursar. Staff are also asked to disclose any activity that may make them, by association ineligible to work with children. Staff are trained to understand that they are all responsible for safeguarding and must immediately report any practice they are concerned about. We ask staff to also take precautions such as not using personal mobile phones in the classroom and leaving the door open when changing a child. These are outlined in our Staff Code of Conduct and Safeguarding policies.


Safeguarding Contacts

Reporting a Concern:

  • If you have a concern about a child, please contact a DSL.
  • If your concern is about an adult working or volunteering in the school, you should contact the Headteacher. If your concern is about the Headteacher, you should contact the Chair of the Governing Body.

Contact Details Below:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Zoë Bray

  • Contact details: 01483 415220 or   


Deputy DSL(s) are: Maria Luff, Meg Tickner and Penny Macland

  • Contact details: 01483 415220


The nominated safeguarding & child protection governor is: Virginia Bawden

  • Contact details: via the school office


The Chair of Governors is: Lisa Seeley

  • Contact details: via the school office


Key Contacts outside Nursery to report a concern or seek advice

If you are concerned about the safety of a child or young person you can contact the Surrey Children's Single Point of Access (C-SPA).

The C-SPA provides residents and people who work with children in Surrey with direct information, advice and guidance about where and how to find the appropriate support for children and families.

Availability: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

  • Phone: 0300 470 9100
  • Out of hours phone: 01483 517898 to speak to our emergency duty team.
  • Email: emails are dealt with during normal office hours
  • For concerns for a child or young person:

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) - For concerns about an adult who is working or volunteering with children in Surrey. If you have a concern regarding someone who works with children, please contact the LADO on 0300 123 1650* or Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 


Other Useful Contacts & Resources: 


Ofsted Outstanding