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The Wharf Nursery School

Children's comments

"Am I going to nursery tomorrow? Hooray!"

"I love my new nursery soooo much!"

"Do you know, there will be a shoe shop there tomorrow - I can't wait!!!"

" Do you know, the shoe shop is turning into something else! It will be to do with Christmas and I'm so excited to find out!"

"My dinner at The Wharf is sooo yummy!"

"I love my teachers. All of them!"

"Your family wants to come to my nursery because it's wonderful and they want to be a Yellow Rocket!"

"I had the best day ever at nursery today!"


When asked what their child loved about nursery, they loved:

"playing on the bikes outside with my friends"

"playing in the mud kitchen mixing  and making a mess"


"playing with the baby dolls"

"Lizzie" (teacher) "and the sandpit and waterplay"

"soft play"

"eating apple at snack time with my friends"


Ofsted Outstanding